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The Value of a Scrum Master

What do they even do all day?

How many times have you heard someone say something like the following:

So, you’re telling me the Product Owner is accountable for the Product Backlog, responsible for its prioritization, constant refinement, and gathers requirements from the stakeholders, and the Developers are accountable for the Sprint Backlog while producing potentially-shippable Increments each and every Sprint? What exactly does the Scrum Master do all day then?

Or maybe you’ve even heard something like this:

The Scrum Master has it easy. They just get to kick back and organize meetings while we do all the work. I bet I could do their job as well as my own. I don’t know why the company wastes their money.

This is one of the most common questions I get as a Scrum Master. It’s tricky business to assign a concrete value to your Scrum Master, because when a Scrum Master does their job well you barely notice them at all!

So let’s take a look at a few things:

  1. Let’s identify where this question comes from.

  2. Let’s define the role of Scrum Master.

  3. Finally, let’s demonstrate ways in which the Scrum Master adds value.


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